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Ceremonies to Supporting life's prosses

Baby Wishes - Fertility Ceremony

Trying to conceive can be quick for some or a long journey for others.
Ceremony can mark the beginning of your journey, to bless your way or if you feel you need more support in your journey. 


Tea/Cacao or tea ceremony- where I give you space to debrief your journey

Energy work
Yoni Steam 
Feet massage
Ceremony & Meditation

Time: 1.5-2 hours
Cost: €90

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A postpartum healing ritual, to nurture the mother after her passage through giving birth, and her journey into motherhood – whether it’s the first baby or not. It’s a celebration and a way to nurture the Mum. 

The Closing the Bones ceremony honors this expansion and gently offers closure to the new mother as she returns to her own center and integrates her personal transformation to motherhood.

​Spiritual, a safe space/ritual for the mother to feel nurtured and release emotions associated with the birth and motherhood.

It’s a truly powerful healing tool that acknowledges the immense changes a woman has undergone in pregnancy and childbirth and assists in bringing her spirit back into her own body and recover from the heat lost at birth.

​Physically, it guides bones back into place, helps the uterus shrink back down, and stimulates blood flow.

Emotionally, it provides a sense of calm and grounding, and re-establishes a sense of self.


​​​Cacao or Tea Ceremony 

Energy work

Full body Rebozo Massage

Herbal Bath or Yoni Steam 


Time: 3 hours session (mother & baby, me & another Doula) 


Cost: €270 

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